six sigma files

Six Sigma Project Files

This web page captures a complete set of files that you might prepare on a Six Sigma Project. A few files are in the Microsoft Visio format. You can download and install the Visio Viewer to view the Visio files.

Project Management
Type File
1.01 Project Priorities Analysis | Business Case Template Excel | Word
1.02 Brief Project Plan Excel
1.03 Project Schedules (1)
1.04 Weekly Status Updates (2)
1.05 Project Close Out Report Word
Define Phase
2.01 Project Charter | Project Charter Template Word | Excel
2.02 Launch Project - Kick Off Meeting Powerpoint
2.03 Stakeholder Analysis | Mapping Template Excel
2.04 Thought Process Map Visio
2.05 Customer Analysis and CTQ Excel
2.06 Map Process - SIPOC Diagram Excel
2.07 Functional Flow Diagram Visio
2.08 CTQ Tree Diagram Visio
2.09 CTQ Details (see 2.05) See 2.05
2.10 Pareto Chart - Vital Few Excel
2.11 Milestone Review - Define Phase Powerpoint
Measurement Phase
3.01 Preliminary Data Analysis Excel
3.02 Sample Collection Procedures | Sample Size Calculator Word | Excel
3.03 Initial Sample Results / DPMO Excel
3.03.1 Sigma DPMO Calculator Excel
3.04 Pareto Chart (see results in 3.03) See 3.03
3.05 Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Summary Word
3.06 Attribute MSA: Invoices | Timesheets Excel
3.07 Trend Charts: Invoices | Timesheets Excel
3.08 Histogram Excel
3.09 Revised Sample Excel
3.10 XmR Charts: Invoices | Timesheets Excel
3.11 Milestone Review - Measurement Phase Powerpoint
Analysis Phase
4.01 Fishbone Diagrams: Invoices | Timesheets Excel
4.01.1 Simple Cause Effect Diagram Visio
4.02 Five Why Root Cause Analysis Excel
4.03 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis Excel
4.04 Scatter Plots (Simple Regression Analysis) Excel
4.05 Logistic Regression Analysis (3)
4.06 Two Proportion Z Test Excel
4.07 ANOVA F Test Excel
4.08 Milestone Review - Analysis Phase Powerpoint
Improvement Phase
5.01 Solutions Ratings Analysis Excel
5.02 Benchmarking Report Excel
5.03 Error Proofing Excel
5.04 Corrective Action Plan Excel
5.05 Training Plan Word
5.06 Milestone Review - Improvement Phase Powerpoint
Control Phase
6.01 Control and Reaction Plans: Invoices | Timesheets Excel
6.02 Trend Charts - Before Excel
6.03 Trend Charts - After Excel
6.04 Best Practices Log Excel
6.05 Standard Operating Procedure Document Word
6.06 Milestone Review - Control Phase Powerpoint
(1): Project Schedules are maintained in Microsoft Project | Simple DMAIC Template for MS Project
(2): Weekly status meetings are held face-to-face; action items are distributed by emails
(3): Formal spreadsheet model available only through MoreSteam University | MoreSteam Toolbox
