white papers

White Papers on Best Business Practices

This web page features a collection of various white papers on a wide range of topics, such as Mastering the Customer Experience, Managing with Emotional Intelligence, Solving the Measurement Puzzle, and the Future of Finance. Where possible, a link has been included to the source.

Balanced Scorecard White Papers

Maintaining the Balanced Scorecard - Overview of how to keep your scorecard flexible so that it remains effective by Paul R. Niven (14 pages - pdf)
An Executive Overview: Killer Business Scorecards - Case study results on the significant impact of measuring systems and information by Brett Patterson and J. Thoreson (11 pages - pdf)

Change Management White Papers

Organizational Change: Managing the human side for successful change management - American Productivity & Quality Center (10 pages - pdf)

Customer Relationship Management White Papers

Mastering the Customer Experience: The Key Drivers for Success - A good description of critical drivers and processes behind great customer service (6 pages - pdf)
CRM Metrics that Really Work - White paper on good performance measurements for Customer Relationship Management (13 pages - pdf)

Human Resourse Management White Papers

Appreciative Inquiry: Tapping into the River of Positive Possibilities - Describes the process and how to apply it by Herb Stevenson, President of Cleveland Consulting Group (14 pages - pdf)
Strategic Worth of Human Resources - Understanding how HR impacts organizational performance by Hugh Mitchell - Universalia (7 pages - pdf)
Strategies for Building HR Capital - Three tactics to quickly expand HR Capital - Cadence Consulting (4 pages - pdf)
Managing with Emotional Intelligence - Good overview of Emotional Intelligence and how it relates to performance (4 pages - pdf)

Knowledge Management White Papers

Introduction to Data Mining - A good overview about the importance of data mining and how it works by Professor Osmar R. Zaiane (15 pages - pdf)
The Knowledge Enterprise - Introductory paper to Knowledge Management by Touraj Nasseri, President of TechnoVantage (7 pages - pdf)
Critical Success Factors for developing, implementing, and managing the Data Warehouse and the Data Mart - (17 pages - pdf)
The Value of Knowledge Capital - How to identify knowledge capital and understand its worth to the organization by Paul S. Strassman (9 pages - pdf)
The Knowledge Management Debate by Richard Poynder

Additional Best Practices

Scenerio Management - An illustrative white paper that explains how scenerio managment works by Alexander Fink and Oliver Schlake - Scenerio Management International (9 pages)
Essence of Activity Based Costing - A concise summary of what activity based costing is by James Dunkley and Dr. David Payne - OffTech
Reporting Intangibles: A Hard Look at Improving Business Information in the U.S.: A good paper on the problems with traditional accounting and some approaches to reporting intangibles by Kenan Patrick Jarboe - Athena Alliance (37 pages - pdf)
Are Corporations Becoming Irrelevant: A nice overview of some profound trends transforming corporations and what really matters by Charles H. Green - Trusted Advisor Associates (4 pages - pdf)
Uncertainty: The New Rules for Strategy - Making strategy effective through options by Martha Amram and Nalin Kulatilaka - Boston University (12 pages - pdf)
Measuring Wealth with the EBO Model - Overview of the Edwards-Bell-Ohlson Model for determining shareholder value by Charles M. C. Lee (6 pages - pdf)
Enterprise Risk Management: An Introduction - Key components and concepts associated with ERM (16 pages - pdf)
The Future of Finance - Leading edge thinking in how finance will work in the future from KPMG - UK (15 pages - pdf)
Strategic Planning: What Works and What Doesn't - Three perspectives on how strategic planning should work from the American Productivity & Quality Center (26 pages - pdf)
Does Budgeting Have to be so Painful - A White Paper by Hyperion Software (14 pages - pdf)

White Papers on Organizational Culture

Seven Steps to Creating a High Performance Culture: A concise summary of what research shows is behind high performing organizational cultures by Gary Lear, CEO of Resource Development Systems (2 pages - pdf)
Five Ways to Develop Corporate Culture - Describes five techniques to build organizational culture (4 pages - pdf)

White Papers on Performance Measurement

Criteria for Performance Excellence - Complete guide to seven categories of performance excellence - Baldrige National Quality Program (76 pages - pdf)
Performance Management: Impact and Trends - Synopsis of six different studies on performance management - Development Dimensions International (7 pages - pdf)
Solving the Measurement Puzzle: How EVA and the Balanced Scorecard Fit Together - How to integrate EVA with the Balanced Scorecard by Marcos Ampuero, Jesse Goranson, & Jason Scott (8 pages - pdf)
The Performance Prism: Alternative model to the Balanced Scorecard - Describes the three dimensions of measuring organizational performance in relation to stakeholders by Andy Neely and Chris Adams - Centre for Business Performance and Performance Measurement Association (8 pages - pdf)
For Good Measure: Setting and attaining key measures for the entire organization - CMA Magazine (4 pages - pdf)

White Papers on Process Improvement

The Basics of Six Sigma - An introductory paper on Six Sigma per General Electric (6 pages - pdf)
Successfully Implementing BPR - Concise summary of what constitutes success with Business Process Reengineering by Michael Covert -(15 pages - pdf)

Technology Related White Papers

Is There a Disruptive Technology in Your Future: A Special Report on how disruptive technologies radically transform whole industries by Joab Jackson - Tech Ventures (5 pages - pdf)
The Road to Better Business Information: XBRL - Case study information on the value and benefits of Extensible Business Reporting Language by Al Berkeley of NASDAQ, John Connors of Microsoft, and Mike Willis of PWCoopers (13 pages - pdf)

White Papers on Value Based Management

Creating Value from Your Intangible Assets - Report on 50 companies that have successfully leveraged their intangible assets (40 pages - pdf)
What is Value-Based Management - A good explanation of how Value Based Management works, including a map of value drivers from McKinsey Quarterly (15 pages - pdf)
What Drives Shareholder Value - An overview of the relationships between results and shareholder value from Professor Laurence Booth (35 pages - pdf)

Links to Other Publications

| 63 Project Management Tips | Change Management Handbook | Logic Model Workbook | Writing Quality Requirements |

Links to Useful Libraries

| Academic Research | Business Plan Guides | Business Publication Search Engine | Change Management Resources | Bitpipe | Knowledge@Wharton | Harvard Working Knowledge | MagPortal | Online Library |
