Welcome to Module 2 Course 4 – Process Modeling
This is an introductory course on process modeling. The purpose of this course is to help you apply modeling standards and practices to projects. This course describes various standards such as Unified Modeling Language, Business Process Modeling Notation and System Dynamics. This course builds on many of the concepts taught in Module 2 Course 3 – Developing Requirements. Therefore, it is recommended that you complete the previous course, Developing Requirements, before taking this course.
Listed below are some instructions on how to take this course:
Moving through the Course – Use the arrow buttons in the lower right section of the page to move through each page of the course.
Course Outline – An outline of all pages and chapters is listed on the left side of the page.
Progress Bar - As you work through the table of contents, a progress bar will appear in the upper left
portion of the course box.
Audio or Video Content – This course includes audio and / or video files in the flv format. Make sure you install the Flash Player to play audio and video files.
This course includes the following supplemental files: Zachman Poster | UML Notation Guide | BPMN Poster | BPMN Symbols | Glossary of Terms. You may want to download these files before you begin taking the course.
Review Questions – This course includes a few review questions at the end of each chapter. NOTE: THERE IS NO CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION ASSOCIATED WITH THIS COURSE!